Experts on the Middle East

Orient Research

Posts filed under: Research

The Shah versus the Islamic Republic in International Relations

This article will compare the Islamic Republic of Iran with the previous regime of Reza Shah Pahlavi. Elsewhere, I have examined some of the key differences in domestic policy between the two regimes (Williams, 2020). This article, however, will identify...

Sentiment Analysis of an Iranian Stocks Telegram Group

Background (NLP and Sentiment Analysis) Market sentiment is the opinions and attitudes of those involved in the financial markets in some capacity, from news outlets to investors.  The movement of the markets is influenced to some extent by market sentiment. ...

Analysis of Terrorism in Kurdistan 1980-2020

DASHBOARD 1 Dashboard one shows terror attacks by country and perpetrator as well as a pie chart showing the proportion of Kurdish to Non-Kurdish perpetrators. The dashboard can be filtered by country. Each dot on the map represents a terror...